The Renewal Center

We’re Glad You Found Us

The Renewal Center fosters opportunity to recover connection to God, self, and community.

TRC is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization located on Main Street in Old Town Tomball focused on demonstrating kinship and unity in the midst of an increasingly divisive culture.

How We Help

The Center

RE:Bar Coffee & Cafe

Re:Bar Cafe & Juicestillery and Steampunk Juice were created as an extension of our ministry with hopes they would partially sustain our work in the community as well as give us the chance to interface with people looking for a fresh start in a comfortable and dignified way.

We never turn away someone who needs a meal regardless of their ability to pay, and we give our patrons the opportunity to participate in sharing love through our pay-it-forward meal program.

Our Blog

Our Blog

US starts with YOU

We continue to look up with awe and wonder at the growing and thriving community we get to be part of, and how your generosity supports individual and communal renewal whether it be money, presence, prayer, connection, or inspiration.

The following words are from Richard Rohr of the Center for Action and Contemplation, and it reminds us of our renewed vision for TRC to facilitate opportunity to recover God, self and community:

"I have been thinking lately about how the search for God and the search for our deepest selves ends up being the same search. This insight is not unique to me, but it has become truer for me as I’ve grown older. Teresa of Ávila often expressed the wonderful idea that one finds God in oneself, and one finds oneself in God. Both are true! And when one experiences this and discovers one’s chosenness and inherent belovedness, one can rest deeply in it."

The Renewal Center is known to be a place to do the deep transformational inner work that sends ripples of healing into our families, our places of work, and the world around us. Your generosity gives us the ability to offer all our groups and workshops, our one-on-one spiritual direction and sober coaching at no cost to the community, gives us the ability to feed everyone at our cafe regardless of their ability to pay, and allows us to on a case by case basis provide practical solutions for those in need of financial support. We would be honored to pay forward your tax deductible donation to God’s beloved in our community. We're thankful for exactly who you are. We love being in this together. We are just not us without you. Thank you.

About Us

  • Aaron Edwards

    Executive Director, Pastor

  • Kelly Hall

    Human, Director, Chaplain

  • Anita Edwards

    RE:Bar General Manager